
Yi Peng Festival (Festival of Light), held about the same time as the Loy Krathong Festival.
Near Mae Jo University, Chiang Mai. 
Welcome to the Retire In Chiang Mai Blog!

Chiang Mai is listed as one of the top "cheap place to retire" in 2013. It's true that you can live very cheaply in Chiang Mai. A bow of noodles for lunch may cost you 30 baht ($1), renting a small studio apartment could be as cheap as 5000 baht/month ($160), or even cheaper! Having said that, you can also live as much a luxurious lifestyle as you like.

Why do people want to retire in Chiang Mai? Yes, the city offers good value for money, and a little goes a long way, but some of the other reasons expats choose to come here are:
  • Friendly, caring people
  • Good weather 
  • Close to nature
  • The culture - with over 300 hundred temples, Chiang Mai still retains much of the traditional charm and culture. 
  • Relaxing lifestyle
  • A small enough city, but still have all the conveniences. You can get pretty much everything you need in Chiang Mai. Excellent hospitals, good shopping centres, international restaurants, etc. In fact, many people come to Chiang Mai parts of the year just to get certain health care services (eg dental), for a fraction of the costs of their home countries!
There are also many activities for expats here, you'll never get bored! 

I hope this blog will be a good resource for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through the comments below, or through the contact form. 

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